Celadon Remote Control Model: HRC-540 Guestroom Remote Control

Max. Key Count: 54


3xAAA battery

HRC-540 guestroom remote control   HRC-540 Guestroom Remote - Adventure Hotels   HRC-540 Guestroom Remote - South by Southwest Resort
  Standard   Guestroom 1
Example Layout
  Guestroom 2
Example Layout
Please contact us to inquire about pricing and availability for our guestroom remote control products or call our sales and applications engineering staff at (415) 472-1177 x201.

Celadon, Inc. | 58 Paul Drive, Suite D | San Rafael, CA 94903 U.S.A. | Sales: +1 (415) 472-1177 x201 | Fax: +1 (415) 472-1179
© Celadon, Inc. 2024 All Rights Reserved www.guestroomremote.com